Flagey Studio 1, Brussels
With the GoYa Quartet
Works by Beethoven and Britten
Appréciée pour son "vrai lyrisme et sa musicalité touchante, sa simplicité et sa sensibilité”, et livrant une “palette de couleurs très variée” (Le Soir), la violoniste belge Sylvia Huang est décrite comme une musicienne “intègre, émouvante” et au “son riche” (De Standaard). Elle est lauréate du Concours Musical International Reine Elisabeth de Belgique en 2019, où elle remporte les deux prix du public: le Prix Musiq'3 et le Canvas-Klara Prijs. Elle reçoit également le Prix Caecilia de la Jeune Musicienne de l’Année 2019 par l'Union de la Presse Musicale Belge.
Elle a fait ses débuts avec l'Orchestre du Concertgebouw en février 2021 sous la direction d'Andrew Manze dans le concerto de Mozart K.218, qu'elle a également interprété en juillet 2021 avec Iván Fischer et le RCO au Konzerthaus de Berlin lors de la visite d'état officielle du Roi et de la Reine des Pays-Bas. Elle a collaboré avec de nombreux orchestres tels que l’Orchestre National de Belgique, le Brussels Philharmonic, l’Orchestre Royal de Chambre de Wallonie, le Sinfonia Rotterdam, dans des salles telles que le Concertgebouw d’Amsterdam,le Palais des Beaux-Arts de Bruxelles, Flagey, le Vlaamse Opera à Gent ou encore deSingel à Anvers. On la retrouve dans divers festivals internationaux dont B-Classic Festival van Vlaanderen, les Echappées Musicales du Médoc, le Festival Musiq’3, le Collegium Vocale Crete Senesi, les Festivals de Wallonie ou encore Klara in deSingel.
Son premier disque "Lointain passé" avec la pianiste Eliane Reyes, consacré aux compositeurs Eugène Ysaÿe et Guillaume Lekeu est paru en septembre 2021 pour le label Outhere Music-Fuga Libera et a été très apprécié par la critique.
Née en 1994, Sylvia commence le violon à l’âge de trois ans avec son père et devient élève à l’Académie des Arts de la Ville de Bruxelles. Elle se perfectionne plus tard auprès d’Alexei Moshkov et Liviu Prunaru. Elle a remporté le premier prix du Concours Musical National Belfius Classics en 2004 et du Concours Musical Européen Lions en 2008. De 2012 à 2014, elle est membre de l’Orchestre National de Belgique avant de rejoindre l'Orchestre du Concertgebouw d'Amsterdam jusqu'en 2022. Passionnée de musique de chambre, elle fonde en septembre 2014 avec trois de ses collègues le GoYa Quartet qui se produit régulièrement aux Pays-Bas ainsi qu’à l’étranger. En 2015, le quatuor se voit décerner le prestigieux « Prix de Salon » par le business club de l’orchestre, grâce auquel il réalise un enregistrement live de deux concerts couvrant l’intégrale des quatuors de Brahms et de Schumann.
Sylvia joue sur un Jean-Baptiste Vuillaume, prêté par la Fondation Arthur Grumiaux. En 2023, elle deviendra la nouvelle konzertmeisterin de l'Orchestre Symphonique de La Monnaie à Bruxelles.
De Belgische violiste Sylvia Huang wordt geprezen voor haar “ware lyriek en ontroerende muzikaliteit, haar eenvoud en sensibiliteit”, haar “zeer gevarieerd kleurenpalet” (Le Soir) en als een muzikant met “integriteit, emotie” en een “rijke klank” (De Standaard). In mei 2019 werd ze laureaat van de Koningin Elisabethwedstrijd en ze won de Prix Musiq’3 du Public en de Canvas-Klara Prijs. Ze kreeg daarnaast de Caecilia-prijs voor Jonge Musicus van het Jaar 2019 uitgereikt door de Belgische Vereniging van de Belgische Muziekpers.
In februari 2021 maakte Sylvia haar debuut met het Concertgebouworkest onder leiding van Andrew Manze met het Mozart vioolconcert K.218, dat ze ook in juli 2021 uitvoerde met Iván Fischer in het Konzerthaus in Berlijn tijdens het officiële staatsbezoek van de Koning en Koningin der Nederlanden. Ze werkte samen met vele orkesten zoals het Nationaal Orkest van België, het Brussels Philharmonic, het Orchestre Royal de Chambre de Wallonie, de Sinfonia Rotterdam, in zalen zoals het Concertgebouw in Amsterdam, het Palais des Beaux-Arts in Brussel, Flagey, de Vlaamse Opera in Gent en deSingel in Antwerpen. Ze nam deel aan verschillende internationale festivals, waaronder het B-Classic Festival van Vlaanderen, Echappées Musicales du Médoc, het Musiq’3 Festival, het Collegium Vocale Crete Senesi, de Festivals de Wallonië en Klara in deSingel.
Haar debuut-CD "Lointain passé" met pianiste Eliane Reyes verscheen in september 2021 met muziek van Eugène Ysaÿe en Guillaume Lekeu bij het platenlabel Outhere Music-Fuga Libera, en werd zeer gewaardeerd door de pers.
Geboren in 1994, leerde Sylvia het vak van haar vader en studeerde verder aan de Académie des Arts de la Ville de Bruxelles, en daarna met Alexei Moshkov en Liviu Prunaru. Ze won eerste prijzen op de National Musical Competition Belfius Classics in 2004 en de Lions European Musical Competition in 2008. Sylvia werd in september 2012 tweede violiste bij het Nationaal Orkest van België en in 2013 werd ze gepromoveerd tot co-solovioliste. Van 2014 tot 2022 speelde ze bij de eerste violen van het Concertgebouworkest. Kamermuziek is ook een grote passie: samen met drie orkestcollega's vormt ze het GoYa Quartet. Dankzij het winnen van de prestigieuze Prix de Salon 2015, uitgereikt door de business club van het Concertgebouworkest, kon het kwartet opnamen maken van twee live-uitvoeringen van alle strijkkwartetten van Brahms en Schumann.
Sylvia speelt op een viool van Jean-Baptiste Vuillaume, aan haar in bruikleen verstrekt door de Fondation Arthur Grumiaux. In 2023 wordt ze nieuwe konzertmeisterin van het Symfonieorkest van de Munt te Brussel.
Appreciated for her "true lyricism and her touching musicality, her simplicity and her sensitivity", and delivering a "wide color palette" (Le Soir), the Belgian violinist Sylvia Huang is described as a “moving and honest” musician with a “rich sound” (De Standaard). In 2019 she became laureate of the Queen Elisabeth International Competition and won the two audience prizes: the Musiq'3 Prize and the Canvas-Klara Prijs. She also received the Caecilia Prize of the Young Musician of the Year 2019 by the Union de la Presse Musicale Belge.
She made her debut with the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra in February 2021 playing Mozart Violin Concerto K.218 with Andrew Manze, which she also performed in July 2021 with Iván Fischer and the RCO at the Konzerthaus in Berlin during the official state visit of the King and Queen of the Netherlands. She has collaborated with many other orchestras such as the Belgian National Orchestra, Brussels Philharmonic, the Orchestre Royal de Chambre de Wallonie, the Bad Reichenhall Philharmoniker, in halls such as the Palais des Beaux-Arts and Flagey in Brussels, the Vlaamse Opera in Gent, deSingel in Antwerp and the Concertgebouw in Amsterdam. She took part in several international festivals including B-Classic Festival van Vlaanderen, Les Echappées Musicales du Médoc, Festival Musiq’3, Klara in deSingel, Collegium Vocale Crete Senesi and the Festivals de Wallonie.
Her first CD recording "Lointain passé" with pianist Eliane Reyes, dedicated to composers Eugène Ysaÿe and Guillaume Lekeu was released in September 2021 for the Outhere Music-Fuga Libera label, and was highly appreciated by critics.
Born in 1994, Sylvia had her first violin lessons with her father and continued her studies at the Académie des Arts de la Ville de Bruxelles, and later on with Alexei Moshkov and Liviu Prunaru. She won first prize at the Belfius Classics National Musical Competition in 2004 and at the Lions European Musical Competition in 2008. From 2012 to 2014, she was a member of the National Orchestra of Belgium before joining the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra in Amsterdam until 2022. As a passionate chamber musician, she founded the GoYa Quartet with three of her RCO colleagues. After having won the prestigious "Prix de Salon 2015" awarded by the business network of the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra, the GoYa Quartet Amsterdam was able to make recordings of two live performances of all Brahms and Schumann string quartets.
Sylvia plays on a Jean-Baptiste Vuillaume, on loan from the Arthur Grumiaux Foundation. In 2023, she will become the new concertmaster of La Monnaie/De Munt Symphony Orchestra in Brussels.
Vivaldi, Four Seasons
With Orchestre Royal de Chambre de Wallonie
Vivaldi, Four Seasons
With Orchestre Royal de Chambre de Wallonie
With GoYa Quartet, Klaus Mäkelä (cello) and Lucie Horsch (piano)
Bartok, String Quartet No. 3
Schumann, Piano Quartet in E flat major, Op. 47
With Koninklijk Harmonieorkest Vooruit Harelbeke
Sibelius Violin Concerto
With Jean-Claude Vanden Eynden (piano), Ayako Tanaka (violin), Vincent Hepp (viola), Marie Hallynck (cello)
Dvorak, Quintette pour piano et cordes op. 81
With Speranza Symphonic, dir. Piet Lamiroy
Mozart Concerto No.3
With Stéphanie Huang, cello
Works by Jongen, Glière, Vasks...
With Orchestre de Chambre de Wallonie
Vivaldi, The Four Seasons
With Boris Kusnezow, piano
Works by Boulanger, Schumann, Schönberg, Franck
With Orchestre de Chambre de Wallonie
Vivaldi, The Four Seasons
With Orchestre de Chambre de Wallonie
Vivaldi, The Four Seasons
www.orcw.beWith Saténik Khourdoian, violin
Bartok, Duos
Ysaye, Sonata for Two Violins
With the GoYa Quartet
Works by Grieg, Holst, Ravel
Stravinsky, Histoire du Soldat
Schoenberg, Kammersymphonie No. 1
Wagner, Siegfried-Idyll
Dir. Alain Altinoglu
With the Young Belgian Strings, Liviu Prunaru & Lorenzo Gatto (violins)
Works by Ysaye, Vivaldi
With Stéphanie Huang, cello
Works by Jongen and Ravel
midis-minimes.beWith Ensemble Khéops
Works by Strauss, Schreker
saisons-musicales-seneffe.beWith members of La Monnaie Symphony Orchestra
Bruckner, String Quintet, WAB 112
www.lamonnaiedemunt.beHommage to Arthur Grumiaux
Ysaye, Poème Elégiaque
With Jerusalem Quartet
Mendelssohn Octet, op.20
With Boris Kusnezow, piano
Works bij Fauré, Beethoven, etc.
With Femke Sonnen (violin), Natanael Ferreira (viola), Georgi Anichenko (cello)
Verdi and Donizzetti String Quartets
www.lamonnaiedemunt.beWith the Young Belgian Strings
J. Tavener: Tears of the angels | Fragment for the Virgin
amuz.beWith the GoYa Quartet Amsterdam
Works by Inmogen Holst, Bridge and Britten
With the GoYa Quartet Amsterdam
Works by Inmogen Holst, Bridge and Britten
ww.theateraanhetvrijthof.nlLEOŠ JANÁČEK, Sonata for violin and piano
GUSTAV MAHLER, Klavierquartett in a-Moll & Kindertotenlieder, arr. Zakarrias Grafilo (2019)
With Sergei Redkin (piano), Océane Champollion (mezzosoprano), Noémi Tiercet (vl), Natanael Ferreira (vla), Sébastien Walnier (vc)
www.lamonnaiedemunt.beWith Orchestre Royal de Chambre de Wallonie
Mozart, Concerto No.2 in D major KV.211
www.orcw.beWith Stéphanie Huang (cello), Monika Dars (piano)
Piano trios by Cécile Chaminade, Amy Beach and Mel Bonis
TicketsWith Leuvens Alumni Orkest
Sibelius, Violin concerto in D minor, Op. 47
www.lao.beWith the GoYa Quartet Amsterdam
Works by Grieg, Debussy, Imogen Holst
www.concertgebouw.nlWith Orchestre de la Fondation Grumiaux
Mendelssohn, Violin concerto in E minor, op.64
ammconcerto.orgWith Stéphanie Huang
Works by Ravel, Glière, Kodaly
With Stéphanie Huang (cello), Liebrecht Vanbeckevoort (piano), Musique Royale des Guides
Beethoven, Triple Concerto
"The sound of climate change"
Vivaldi, Four Seasons
www.brusselsmuzieque.comWith Anthony Devriendt (horn), Jan Michiels (piano)
Brahms and Ligeti Trios
www.festival2021.beWith Lorenzo Gatto (violin) and Ataneres Ensemble
Works by Bach, Richter, Jenkins
www.knokke-heist.beWith Stéphanie Huang (cello) and the Young Belgian Strings
Works by Kurt Atterberg
With Stéphanie Huang (cello) and the Young Belgian Strings
Works by Kurt Atterberg
With Stéphanie Huang (cello) and the Young Belgian Strings
Works by Kurt Atterberg
With Stéphanie Huang (cello), Béatrice Berrut (piano)
Erina Yashima (conductor) and Orchestre Philharmonique de Liège
Beethoven, Triple Concerto in C major, opus 56
With Stéphanie Huang (cello), Valère Burnon (piano), Lorenzo Gatto (violin), Jozefien Dumortier (viola), Ori Epstein (cello)
Fauré, Trio
Schubert, String quintet in C major
With Boris Kusnezow, piano
Works by Mozart, Brahms, Bartok, Fauré
www.concertsduprintemps.beWith Stéphanie Huang, cello and Chapelle Musicale de Tournai, dir. Philippe Gérard
Brahms, Double Concerto in A minor op.102
www.chapellemusicaletournai.beWith members of La Monnaie Symphony Orchestra
Saint-Saëns, Septet for trumpet, piano and strings in E flat major, Op.65
www.lamonnaiedemunt.beWith Stéphanie Huang, cello and OSEL, dir. Philippe Gérard
Brahms, Double Concerto in A minor op.102
With the Brussels Philharmonic, dir. Dirk Vermeulen
Mozart, Violin concerto no.5 in A major, K.219
With the Brussels Philharmonic, dir. Dirk Vermeulen
Mozart, Violin concerto no.5 in A major, K.219
With the GoYa Quartet Amsterdam
Works by Webern, Debussy, Grieg
www.theater-essen.deWith Leiden Sinfonietta, dir.: Libia Hernandez
Beethoven, Violin concerto in D major, Op. 61
With Eliane Reyes, piano
Works by Ysaÿe and Lekeu ("Lointain passé")
With Eliane Reyes, piano
Works by Ysaÿe and Lekeu ("Lointain Passé")
With Stéphanie Huang (cello) and Boris Kusnezow (piano)
arte-amanti.beWith Boris Kusnezow (piano)
Works by Boulanger, Dvorak, Ysaÿe, Enescu, etc.
With Lorenzo Gatto (violin ) and the Young Belgian Strings
With Boris Kusnezow, piano
Works by Dvořák, Boulanger, Ysaÿe, Enescu, Dohnányi
www.concertgebouw.nlWith the GoYa Quartet Amsterdam
Works by Grieg, Webern, Debussy
www.kasteelheeswijk.nlWith the GoYa Quartet Amsterdam
Works by Debussy, Webern, Grieg
With Eliane Reyes (piano) and Rudy Moercant (trumpet)
Enescu, Legend for trumpet and piano
Grieg, Sonata for violin and piano No.3 in C minor
Ewazen, Trio for violin, trumpet and piano
With the GoYa Quartet Amsterdam
Works by Grieg, Takemitsu, Debussy
With Boris Kusnezow, piano
Works by Bach, Beethoven and Franck
With Calogero Palermo (clarinet), the GoYa Quartet Amsterdam, Léo Genet (doublebass) and Michelangelo Carbonara (piano)
Ortolano, The Seasons
With Théotime Voisin (doublebass) and Camerata Nordica
Works by Bottesini, Bazzini and Tchaïkovsky
With musicians of La Monnaie Symphony Orchestra
Strauss, Till Eulenspiegel einmal anders, op.28 (arr. F. Hasenöhrl)
Mozart, Ein musikalischer Spass, K.522
With the Brussels Philharmonic Orchestra, dir. David Navarro Turres
Saint-Saëns, Violin concerto no.3 in B minor, Op. 61
TICKETSWith Sylvain Blassel (harp), Joséphine Olech (flute), Camille Vasseur (violin), Manuel Vioque-Judde(viola), François Robin (cello)
Works by Saint-Saëns, Caplet, Tournier...
www.justclassikfestival.frWith Boris Kusnezow, piano
Works by Mozart, Ysaÿe, Respighi
With Paul Komen, piano and Femke IJlstra, saxophone
Hendrik Andriessen, Sonata for violin and piano
Otto Ketting, Trio Dubrovnic for violin, sax and piano
With the Youth Orchestra Flanders, dir. Nuno Coelho
Bruch, Violin Concerto nr. 1 in G, opus 26
www.bijloke.beWith the Youth Orchestra Flanders, dir. Nuno Coelho
Bruch, Violin Concerto nr. 1 in G, opus 26
desingel.beWith the GoYa Quartet Amsterdam
Webern, Langzamer Satz
Debussy, Quatuor à cordes en sol mineur, op. 10
With l'Orchestre de la Fondation Arthur Grumiaux, dir. Luc Dewez
Bruch, Violin concerto in G, opus 26
www.etemosan.beWith the GoYa Quartet Amsterdam
Beethoven, String quartet in F, op. 59, nr. 1
Ravel, String quartet in F
With Eliane Reyes, piano
Works van Ysaÿe and Lekeu
With Boris Kusnezow, piano
Works by Vieuxtemps, Ysaÿe and Franck
www.festivaldestavelot.beWith Orchestre des Jeunes Melomania, dir. Guy Van Waas
Beethoven, Violin concerto in D major, op.61
With Boris Kusnezow, piano
Works by Schubert, Boulanger, Franck
With the GoYa Quartet Amsterdam and Pierre-Emmanuel de Maistre, double bass
Bottesini, Gran Duo concertante for violin and double bass
Schubert, String Quintet in C major, D 956, op. posth. 163
With the GoYa Quartet Amsterdam
Joseph Haydn, Die Sieben letzte Worte unseres Erlösers am Kreuze
With Brussels Philharmonic, conductor: Alexei Ogrintchouk
Mozart, Violin Concerto No. 5 in A major, K. 219
www.brusselsphilharmonic.beWith l'orchestre Nuove Musiche, conductor: Eric Lederhandler
Bruch Concerto No. 1 in G minor
With Boris Kusnezow, piano
Program to be confirmed
www.soireesmusicalesmsm.beWith Stéphanie Huang (cello) and Boris Kusnezow (piano)
Works by Schumann, Mozart and Debussy
With Sinfonia Rotterdam, conductor: Conrad van Alphen
Bruch, Violin Concerto No. 1 in G minor, Op. 26
With Sinfonia Rotterdam, conductor: Conrad van Alphen
Bruch, Violin Concerto No. 1 in G minor, Op. 26
With Jean-Claude Vanden Eynden (piano) and Taurus Quartet
Chausson, Concert for Violin, Piano and String Quartet, Op.21
midiliege.beWith Eliane Reyes (piano)
Benefit concert for the Gynaecologisch Pelvien Oncologisch Netwerk (GYPON) of the Ghent University Hospital
Works by Ysaÿe, Debussy, Grieg
With the Chapelle Musicale de Tournai, conductor: Philippe Gérard
Beethoven, Violin concerto in D major, op.61
With Boris Kusnezow, piano
Works by Boulanger, Debussy, Ysaÿe and Respighi
arte-amanti.beWith Sinfonia Rotterdam, conductor: Conrad van Alphen
Bruch, Violin Concerto No. 1 in G minor, Op. 26
With the Orchestre Royal de Chambre de Wallonie
Vahan Mardirossian, piano
Mendelssohn, Double concerto for violin and piano in D minor
www.orcw.beWith Eliane Reyes, piano
Works by Ysaÿe, Lekeu
www.flagey.beWith the Young Belgian Strings, conductor: Dirk Van de Moortel
Lalo Symphonie Espagnole in D minor
With the Young Belgian Strings, conductor: Dirk Van de Moortel
Lalo Symphonie Espagnole in D minor
And works by Mendelssohn, Vivaldi...
With the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra, conductor: Iván Fischer
Mozart, Violin Concerto No. 4 in D major, K.218
With Boris Kusnezow, piano
Works by Mozart, Ysaÿe, Fauré and Respighi
www.bozar.beWith the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra, conductor: Andrew Manze
Mozart, Violin Concerto No. 4 in D major, K.218
www.concertgebouworkest.nlWith the New Japan Philharmonic, conductor: Nodoka Okisawa
Saint-Saens, Violin Concerto No.3 in B minor, op. 61
www.njp.or.jpWith Casco Phil, conductor: Benjamin Haemhouts
Beethoven, Romanzen op.40&50
LINK videoYsaye, the Six sonatas for Solo Violin, Op. 27
www.collegiumvocalecretesenesi.comWith Eliane Reyes, piano
Works by Grieg and Ysaÿe
VIDEO linkWith the Belgian National Orchestra, conductor: Michael Schønwandt
Works by Mozart and Ysaye
With Boris Kusnezow, piano
Works by Beethoven, Elgar
With Boris Kusnezow, piano
Works by Mozart, Debussy, Saint-Saens
Private event
with the GoYa Quartet Amsterdam and the Danel quartet.
Works by Schumann and Mendelssohn
with the Bad Reichenhaller Philharmoniker
Conductor: Christian Simonis
Dvorak violin concerto in A minor op. 53
with the Orchestre Royal de Chambre de Wallonie.
Works by Haydn and Ysaÿe.
www.festivaldaulne.bewith Liebrecht Vanbeckevoort.
Works by Ysaÿe, Franck, Svendsen and Wieniawski.